No decent person can fail to condemn without
equivocation the arson attacks alleged to have been made on mosques in Grimsby
and Braintree.
Violence of any sort can have no place in a
democratic society and this blog is in no way defending the alleged attacks by
individuals who may be members or supporters of a network of working class community
associations prominent in run-down areas of cities across the country.
We should make plain that the alleged perpetrators
of these unconscionable crimes are in no way representative of patriotic
English sentiment in this country. They don’t speak for us. They weren’t
encouraged by us to take any illegal (let alone life-threatening) action. There
is nothing inherently violent or aggressive in the belief that communities live
happiest and safest together if they follow common legal systems based upon
shared values and venerable customs, and by identifying with each other through
symbols and rituals that have been passed down over the generations. Nor is
there necessarily anything bigoted at indicating that some ideologies have a dark
side, and that, for example, a minority
of Muslims
be involved
in occasional
The lives of innocent individuals, including
women and children at prayer have been put at risk. We can only hope that all involved
are safe and well and that the police make rapid progress followed by arrests
and exemplary convictions of the guilty parties. The perpetrators are not genuine
English patriots but rather a tiny number of unrepresentative extremists who
give the rest of us a bad name.
And yet, one can’t help but wonder what led
to this violence; to this sudden unthinking and meaningless savagery.
The media and political elites have been
quick to point the finger of blame at the English Defence League; a suspected Right-wing
or nationalist group with links to groups in other
countries who have also been suspected of being Right-wing and
nationalist. But what makes young, poorly educated, excessively diverse and disenfranchised men
break out of the accepted norms of society and throw, if reports are true, improvised
devices at
places of worship?
Can it be the atmosphere of contempt and
loathing that the most powerful in society have created around an increasingly
beleaguered community, with public figures from the
highest in the land right down to David
Cameron not only refusing to engage with their
concerns but also tacitly supporting those who attack their demonstrations?
Are a small number of exaggerated or over-heated urban
myths about attacks on this
poorly-educated minority’s women
and girls a
contributory factor in their unthinking rage? Can the senseless
but unique
attack by deranged
individuals against an off-duty soldier have sparked these disenfranchised
and impoverished young men to become militant?
We may never know. All we need to know is
that these unconscionable crimes have met with solid and sincere condemnation
by the entire patriotic community, continue to call for calm and be aware that
the safety of innocent civilians is in the best of hands.
gangs of youths may have been involved in scuffles
with the police.
does all that sound?
Tut tut - posting this rightwing rubbish about self-determination, the leftist lies, free enterprise, initiative and the rest of it. Who cares if it's so. It's simply not PC to say it.
This article is mind blowing. When I read this article, I enjoyed.
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