This will never happen here.
Muslim Brotherhood leader Jamal Waheed has been pelted with eggs and forced to abandon a press conference outside Parliament.
Dozens of protesters disrupted the event, which follows Muslim Brotherhood winning its first two seats in the European Parliament.
Chanting anti-Islamist slogans and holding placards they surrounded Mr Waheed as he was bundled into a car.
Mr Waheed was elected for the North West region - a result condemned by parties across the political spectrum.
Mr Waheed and Mohommed Ali, who was elected in the Yorkshire and Humber region, staged a press conference on College Green, opposite the Houses of Parliament.
The Muslim Brotherhood leader began the event by holding up copies of national newspapers and talking about what he said were media lies about him and his party.
He denied he had past links with Sheikh Ragheb Harb, as the former Hezbollah leader "was very hostile to the Hizb ut Tahrir from which I am from".
He had been speaking for about two minutes when about 50 to 100 protesters marched towards him chanting slogans and throwing eggs.
Jamal Waheed was forced to retreat from College Green.
There was a brief scuffle as Mr Waheed was jostled by protesters - and a scrum of cameramen - before the Muslim Brotherhood leader was bundled into the back seat of a waiting car by his security men.
A tourist who was caught up in the melee was treated in an ambulance, after suffering an injured leg.
A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said: "We are aware of the incident and will pursue charges if a complaint is made."
Members of Unite Against Islamism, a new group supported by synagogues and MPs from all parties, including Labour leader Gordon Brown, and veteran right wing campaigner Norman Tebbit, said they wanted to "defend democracy" against what they regard as the "theocratic" and "anti-Semitic" policies of the Muslim Brotherhood leaders.
One told the crowd his message for Mr Waheed was: "Wherever you go in this country we will make sure you are welcomed by demonstrations."
The demonstrators kicked and hit the Muslim Brotherhood leader's car with their placards before cheering as he drove off.
Protest organiser Geert Wilders, national secretary of Unite Against Islamism, said he believed it was important to stand up to the Muslim Brotherhood.
"The majority of people did not vote for the Muslim Brotherhood, they did not vote at all. The Muslim Brotherhood was able to dupe them into saying that they had an answer to people's problems.
"They presented themselves as a mainstream party. The reality was because the turnout was so low, they actually got elected."
Speaking to BBC News afterwards, Mr Waheed alleged that the three main political parties were trying to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood getting its message across by colluding with protesters who he said were mainly left-wing students.
"It's a very, very sad day for British democracy," he said.
"People should be entitled to hear what we have to say and to hear journalists question us robustly."
He described protesters as an "organised mob that's backed by all three main parties to stop us getting our message across to the public" and added: "It does not represent ordinary people."
He said he suffered only a "glancing splattering" with egg but a television cameraman was hit full in the face.
He says the Muslim Brotherhood is not anti-Semitic and says it won votes because it "spoke openly about the problem of Zionism".
And he argued that the "political elite" were responsible for making "the immigrant Muslim minority... second class citizens in every possible sphere".
Mr Waheed said the Muslim Brotherhood plans to hold a press conference in Manchester tomorrow and he hopes that the police will take action against any violent protests.
On Monday Tory leader David Cameron and Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg said they were "sickened" by the Muslim Brotherhood 's win and Labour deputy Harriet Harman said it was "a terrible thing".
The number of people voting Muslim Brotherhood across the UK as a whole went up slightly, from 808,201 to 943,598 in the European elections, but went down slightly in the two regions where it gained MEPs, with the brotherhood benefitting from a collapse in the Labour vote.
They won 6.2% of votes, compared with 8.6% for the Green Party, 13.7% for the Lib Dems, 15.7% for Labour, 16.5% for the UK Independence Party and 27.7% for the Conservatives.
Meanwhile, back in the real world where everyone has a proper sense of proportion...
What Were We Ever Worried About?
10 hours ago
But the British National Party would not throw homosexuals off mountains, stone women to death just because they are women or chop peoples body parts off with sanctimonious brutality would they?
Pure class, as are the comments.
Thank you all - Northwester Towers now has its mighty PC back, and so I hope I'll be able to show some basic good manners from now on and thank you all for visiting my blog away from the basilisk stares of my bosses and the Statist hordes.
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