…and you
won’t believe what happens next.
But seriously
folks, it’s as though your house was ablaze (it’s an open secret it was arson
and the arsonists are still around the neighbourhood, smirking and looking meaningfully
at your children) and you called for help hoping someone will phone the fire
brigade but you feared a man with a bucket of petrol would arrive instead,
but then a man with a bucket of water arrived.
On the
brighter side, if in five years and the other half of sub-Saharan Africa
arrives in Britain to vibrate our communities even better and
we’re still powering Britain
with windmills, at least those windmills won’t be lesbians.
All kudos
to the Rotherham Labour Party, though. Its old-style pro-working-class slogan “Vote
Labour and if Muslim rape gangs prostitute your daughter the length and breadth
of the Pennines we’re here for you” has come
up roses again.
I suppose
they ate caviare in Downing Street last night –
that being the best thing about sturgeons.
Hmm. Anyone
want to buy a gross of “Power to the Purple” T-shirts?
Still. Russell
Brand, eh?
Russell bloody Brand
Russell bloody Brand
Picture from here.
Beyond words, the whole parody.
Prescient, only it was Asia not Africa.
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