Monday 2 May 2011


Now that the soul of Osama bin Laden has been despatched to his eternal day job in Odin’s pigsty where he will labour mightily until he goes on to work his night shift fellating Richard the Lionheart in return for cheap beers and bacon sandwiches, I wonder how long it will be before the BBC interviews someone of the opinion that assassinating an unconvicted and presumed innocent person violates not only his human rights but also international law?

Just wondering...


DJ said...

Don't tempt them:

JuliaM said...

It'll be by teatime, I reckon...

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX assassinating an unconvicted and presumed innocent person violates not only his human rights but also international law? XX

Aye. Well they learned not to fall for that one from Napoleons wee 100 day escepade.

Only one way to get rid of trouble, and that is blow it's bloody head off.

James Higham said...

As sure as night follows day.

WomanHonorThyself said...

spot on my friend!!!!


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