Wednesday, 20 January 2010

"Da-da Dah Dah Dah"

It's rude to gloat.

Massachusetts Senate poll loss threatens Obama agenda

Republican Scott Brown has won a shock victory in the race for the US Senate seat in Massachusetts left vacant by Democrat Edward Kennedy's death.

The result is a huge blow to President Barack Obama, whose healthcare reform programme is now in doubt.

Democrat Martha Coakley conceded she had lost the race after early results gave Mr Brown a healthy lead.

The Republican win has robbed the Democrats of their filibuster-proof 60-seat majority in the Senate.

This will make it much harder for Mr Obama to pass a healthcare reform bill - the most important domestic policy objective of his first year as president.

The BBC's Paul Adams, in Boston, says Ms Coakley's defeat is a humiliating blow for the Democrats and their agenda, and a deeply unwelcome anniversary present for President Obama a year after his inauguration.

But it's fun...

"... another one bites the dust."


James Higham said...

It is fun indeed and I've just been reading some American blogs on it.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Call it a psychological blip, but I can not trust ANY politician called "Brown".


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