Wednesday 2 September 2009

What he said

Read this first : Dumb Jon seems to have found a health issue that contradicts our faith in the expertise of the National Health Service – at least in Wakefield.

Gruesome, isn’t it?

But - and here’s the funny thing - if you read the NHS website about this hospital, three out of four Amazon-style reviews are okayish about the staff/regimen of the place, though oddly it looks like more money needs to be spent on decorating it.

And, of course, it’s important to read what the hospital says about itself. Look at all those lovely scripts in the lower bar that tell us the conversations in the place are going to be enhanced by the presence of interpreters – just to add to the mental health fun.

And there’s a mental health self-help page here, (and please believe me when I write that I recognize mental illness is a terrible thing and is not merely a cop-out from personal responsibility for the lazy and the criminal and which needs careful and complex methods of treatment), but there’s a huge irony in the list of things recommended for mental health self-help:

# Look after yourself

* Get active

* Feed your mind

* Be included

* Get some fresh air

* Help to stop smoking

* Relax and unwind

Okay, so they passed on the ‘Go absent without leave and rape-murder a stranger’ bit, but still and all perhaps if the highly-trained staff spent just a tad more time or even money on diagnosing and assessing peoples’ present states of mental health rather than offering (admittedly very wholesome) Women’s’ Institute fresh air and exercise advice, then the outcome would have been different.

‘Different,’ as in so many encounters with a bloated and overstretched State, translates as ‘no dead innocent this time.’

Oh, and back to Jon’s post; see how he manfully refrains from a side issue which a lesser writer such as I might have jumped upon, and which I feel I ought to raise just purely as an aside and nothing else. It’s about the BBC article that covers this unfortunate event.

"Police said that 52-year-old Passwala, who is originally from Bradford,"

Just a thought, and a propos nothing at all, does anyone think that the BBC has done its fact-checking properly here?

Only...and call me superstitious or something, I think that he might not really be originally from Bradford as such. I just can't think, if so, why the BBC hasn’t got this bit right. It's not like extreme sexual screwed-upness is different from anything else in human life, is it? Extreme sexual screwed-upness is the product of socially-constructed norms. Ask a liberal anywhere.

I’d just like to know which social norms this chap might have learned at his mother's knee – you know, about how to treat women, who decides on their fate, what say they should have in deciding the content and the personnel involved in their sex lives.


Louise said...

a cop-out from personal responsibility for the lazy and the criminal and which needs careful and complex methods of treatment), but there’s a huge irony in the list of things recommended for mental health self-help:

I wonder which category I'd fit into.

North Northwester said...

Actually ill, like my late mother?

JuliaM said...

"* Help to stop smoking

* Relax and unwind"

Don't those two cancel each other out?

North Northwester said...

Ah, but when one quits - as breathlessness and growing relationslessness [ read into that what you will!] sometimes oblige one to do, then one might find oneself wishing that a close friend would suffer massive matrimonial distress, or even pray for the death of a semi-distant relative, to supply the excuse to buy more cigarettes.

It hurt to stop, and I dare say I looked mental as I was giving up, but to the point - smoking is self-medication for the mentally ill - I've seen it in the loon wards where my mum stayed - like a furnace in there, it was.

I have to agree that spiffy new pharmaceuticals might not be proper substitutes for tea and fags and sympathy, but this hospital seems to believe in bracing walks: if not pulling oneself together...which might also work for some, but sexual predators?

James Higham said...

I'd love to go up to a group of people in a street and say, "I really just want to be included. Is it possible?"

North Northwester said...

Oh yes - the [sometimes] thoroughly justified fear of outsiders, scores of millennia old, is the ultimate taboo isn't it in this crazy mixed up world?

It's got to be the next minority/hatecrime industry agenda item, don't you think? - strangerphobia...
Oh, it's the multi-purpose xenophobia.
Sorted. Pretty soon the PC police will be locking us up for avoiding each other's eyes or refusing to talk to strangers - even as the body count from the crazed actions of wandering nutters increases, like this poor dead lass. It'll be 'moral panic' when conservative newspapers kick off about it; you mark my words.

James Higham said...

Pretty soon the PC police will be locking us up for avoiding each other's eyes or refusing to talk to strangers ...

This was the Soviet Union, according to many I spoke with. We are not far from it.


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