Thursday 25 June 2009

Mongs for Obama

Hey spazzy kids, how do you think the Democrats in Alaska are looking after Down's children these days?

This stolen from the ever-wonderful Conservatives4Palin site.

Feel the compassion.

BUMPED: How Celtic Diva Treats Trig Palin; UPDATE: Call to Action

Here is how Alaska Democratic party operative Linda Kellen Biegel, aka "Celtic Diva," treats an image of Trig Palin.

Take a look at how Biegel edited this picture of Trig:

Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. Is this the position of the Alaska Democratic party? Keep in mind that she was the official Alaska blogger for the DNC. Does Bob Poe, who attended a Q&A with Linda Biegel, approve of this? Actually, why don't you email Bob Poe himself to find out...
Update: (H/T K.Carpenter)

Biegel's blog is advertised on the Alaska Democrat's website.

UPDATE by RAM: For those of you who might be unaware, Linda Kellen Biegel was one of the people who filed a frivolous ethics complaint against Gov. Palin. Her complaint claimed that the governor abused the Ethics Act because she wore a jacket with with the logo of the company that sponsors her husband in the Iron Dog snowmachine race. Biegel's ridiculous complaint was, of course, dismissed, but not before costing the governor thousands of dollars in legal debt to defend herself. You can donate to the governor's legal defense fund, The Alaska Fund Trust, here.

Biegel's use of this sick photoshop is part of her efforts
to raise money for her next frivolous ethics complaint.

UPDATE II by RAM: This was
the post that Biegel wrote in response to the public outcry her sick photo has sparked:

It's called "Baby Burke" because it's Eddie Burke...basically his probable second-biggest fantasy about the Governor.

She is claiming that it was a photoshop of the Alaska radio talk show host Eddie Burke being held in Gov. Palin's arms. This is the original photo:

That photo was iconic. It meant a great deal to parents of special needs children. I recall listening to Bill Bennett discuss it the day after the speech with Laura Ingraham on her radio show. He said that it was beautiful how Gov. Palin turned her son around in her arms to show him to the audience -- as if to show the world that he was perfect and precious. It was a silent rebuke to a world that is too often indifferent to those who live with special needs. What a horrible and cheap thing to do to take that photo and make it ugly.

The photoshop doesn't look at all like Eddie. It simply looks like a grotesque manipulation of Gov. Palin's beautiful baby boy. It was a tasteless and heartless thing to do. It was the sort of thing a person who is sick with hatred would do.

Biegel then makes a crude sexual suggestion about Eddie Burke and the governor. Biegel is objectifying the governor. Turning her into a sex object and suggesting that Eddie's admiration of her is nothing more than hormonal.

Why do they always attack her for her "femaleness" -- for her appearance or her attractiveness as a woman or her role as a mother? It's crude and sexist. It's not okay.

Let your voices be heard. As noted above, Linda Kellen Biegel was the official Alaskan blogger at the DNC convention. The DNC platform states:

"We believe that standing up for our country means standing up against sexism and all intolerance. Demeaning portrayals of women cheapen our debates, dampen the dreams of our daughters, and deny us the contributions of too many. Responsibility lies with us all." (DNC 2008 Platform, Sec. I, Page 16.)

Ask the local Democrats in Alaska to chime in on this and explain whether they approve of what Biegel did to a photo of Gov. Palin holding her special needs son.

And here's Big 0's spazz joke again in full...
Bless Him.

And God bless America and all its mongs, spazzes, flids, crips, gropers, and drooling cretins.

1 comment:

JuliaM said...

Ahhh, those ever-classy lefties...


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